Japan representatives of HITACHI visited A-KOND LLC
In the last months of 2016, A-KOND LLC met another guest. One of the leading brands in the Central Air Conditioner market, HIATCHI’s Japan office Manager in Commercial business unit, global sales and service division, sales department Haruo Toda and Regional Distribution Manager – DX, Turkey and Caspian region Tashkonak Mehmet Bahadir were our guests. if we take into mind the purpose arriving of guests to strengthen cooperation, we can say that the negotiation was successful for both sides. In 2017 A-KOND LLC will take more attention on representation HITACHI in Azerbaijan market.
After the meeting with representatives of foreign companies, there was held excursion to the A-KOND new building. During the trip, were given information about the potential of the company in the local market. Considering that the guests were in Baku at first time, we introduced them the city attractions.